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support your local farm

At Arrows Farm, we believe in the power of community and the importance of sustainable, local agriculture. As we continue to grow and provide fresh, healthy produce to our community, we have several needs that we hope to meet with the support of generous donors and investors like you. Your contributions can help us improve our farm's infrastructure, increase our productivity, and expand our offerings.

How You Can Help


Below is a list of items and projects that we are currently seeking support for. Whether you're interested in donating funds, materials, or labor, every bit of help makes a difference.

Farm Needs
Farm needs include soil amendment compost, greenhouse repairs, fiber pole covering, field drip line irrigation, mulch, service road repairs, mulberry ridge water drainage, washer machine, greenhouse/high-tunnel frame, greenhouse heater and cooling, ATV, utility tool trailer, skid steer, and commercial paper shredder.

Please contact us if you would like to contribute or donate materials/tools.


Arrows Farm Needs

Your support helps us grow and sustain our farm, providing fresh, local produce to the community. Please fill out the form below to contribute to the specific needs of our farm


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