At our small farm, we love harvesting fresh, crisp produce and herbs to create seasonal dishes to enjoy. In this Creamy White Icicle Radish Soup, we especially enjoyed the peppery crunch of these elongated radishes, coupled with the fragrant, freshly picked herbs. There is nothing better than a warm soup during freezing days, which can also easily be heated up by the fire if we happen to lose power.

Besides soups, white icicle radishes can also be used sliced thinly or grated as a garnish on a salad, sandwich, wraps, or dips for a rich spicy flavor. If you don't particularly enjoy the peppery taste of radishes, they can be roasted, steamed, or pickled. They are a great source of Vitamin C to strengthen your immune system, reduce inflammation, and tissue repair and growth.
To grow radishes, they need to be planted about four weeks before the last frost in your region in rich soil. Plant these seeds about 1/2" deep and 1" apart. It is always a great idea to plant seeds every couple weeks as you will have a continuous harvest, this is called succession planting. Radishes do not tolerate heat well, so a mid-summer's heat is not a good idea. They enjoy moist soil with organic matter as compost.
Now that you know how to grow and all the many benefits of White Icicle Radishes - let's get to cooking!

This was a delicious soup that both my toddlers enjoyed! A delicious grilled cheese with fresh basil and grilled chicken made the most delicious lunch - enjoy!