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5 Things You Can Do to Prepare Your Garden and Produce for the Upcoming Storm

As storm season approaches, it's crucial to prepare your garden for the storm and ensure the produce in your kitchen stays fresh. Whether you're growing squash, peppers, or cabbage, following these five simple steps can help safeguard your garden and the food in your fridge when heavy rains and winds are on the horizon.


1. Harvest What’s Ready

Before the storm hits, make sure to pick any vegetables that are ready to harvest. This helps prevent them from being damaged by strong winds or excessive rain. Collect tomatoes, squash, peppers, or leafy greens like cabbage to avoid losing them in the storm.

2. Secure Garden Structures

If you have trellises, stakes, or cages in your garden, make sure they're firmly secured or removed. High winds can easily knock these over, potentially damaging your plants.

3. Mulch Root Vegetables

Protect root crops like carrots, beets, and radishes by adding a thick layer of mulch or straw to shield them from heavy rain and possible flooding. This will keep the soil intact and prevent it from eroding away.


4. Store Produce Properly

If the power goes out during the storm, make sure your harvested produce stays fresh. Store items like lettuce and herbs in crisper drawers or airtight containers. For leafy greens, wrapping them in a damp paper towel and placing them in a container can help maintain freshness.

5. Prepare for Power Outages

In case of extended power outages, prepare coolers or insulated bags with ice packs to keep your produce cool. Be proactive by freezing items like peppers or prepping soups with squash, which can be reheated once power is restored.

By taking these simple steps, you'll not only keep your garden in good shape but also ensure you’re prepared for whatever the weather brings.

Upcoming Farm Events:

  • WonderHere Workshop (Oct 9, 10-12pm)

  • Yoga at the Farm (Oct 12)

  • Farm to Fork Dinner (Oct 26)


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